Root Canal Treatment

After Care Tips Post a Root Canal Treatment

For some, a root canal treatment can be a painful experience, especially if you are petrified of dental treatments. In order to preserve your natural smile and relieve dental pain, a root canal operation can be life-saving. However, as the numbness wears off, you may be wondering how to take proper care of your treated tooth to guarantee a speedy recovery.

This is your guide to root canal aftercare instructions, ensuring optimum healing and a healthy smile. Let’s enlist a few points that will ensure faster recovery a root canal treatment in Kolkata

Do Not Eat Right After 

This tip is the most common. Even after the procedure, the dentist will tell you not to consume any food for a few hours. As long as you feel the numbness, you shouldn’t eat any food. Even when you start eating after a few hours, make sure you do not use the tooth you just got treated to chew your food.

Stick to Soft Food

For the first few days following your root canal treatment, follow a soft food diet. Choose steamed veggies, soups, applesauce, yoghurt, and mashed potatoes. This will help the treated tooth receive less pressure and be less uncomfortable when chewing. Steer clear of tough meats, raw veggies, nuts, or other hard, crunchy, or chewy items that could push out the crown or temporary filling.

Take Prescribed Pain Medications

Once the numbness goes away, you might sometimes feel pain or discomfort. Your doctor will prescribe you pain medications in case of emergencies. Do take them when you feel pain; however, do not overdo it.

Go for Ice Packs

Following a root canal, swelling or inflammation is frequently experienced. Apply a cold compress (wrapped in a towel) to the affected area for 15 minutes at a time to reduce these effects. Throughout the first 24 hours following your treatment, repeat this routine every few hours. Or, sometimes, the doctor recommends having something cold right after the treatment.

Maintaining Oral Hygiene

Proper dental hygiene is essential to avoid infection following a root canal. Make sure to gently brush the areas around the treated areas of your teeth with a soft-bristled toothbrush twice a day. It’s crucial to floss, but try not to be too forceful, as this could aggravate your gums. For extra cleaning, try using an antiseptic mouthwash as prescribed by your dentist.

Even though we have listed some tips to speed up the recovery process a root canal treatment, you need to find the right dentist for the procedure. The best dentist in Kolkata will ensure that your treatment is done perfectly and that the recovery is made even easier.

Get the Best Dental Treatment With Us

If you are looking for the best dentist in Kolkata to treat your dental problems, Apex Dental Clinic can be your go-to! We have been in the industry for years, with qualified dentists offering top-notch dental treatments. No matter your dental problem, we will find the best treatment! Call us at 8928425992 and book an appointment today!