Dental Health

The Impact of Nutrition on Dental Health: Insights from Kolkata’s Experts


Are you one of those who’ve never paid attention to dental health? Did you know that everything you eat and put in your body has a direct impact on your dental health? Little do we realise how proper nutrition plays a key role in setting our whole system right, including teeth and gums. Some of the renowned dentists in Kolkata emphasise the role of nutrition in our dental health.

This blog explores the tremendous effects of diet on oral health –

The Power of a Nutritious Diet

The strength and resilience of our gums and teeth are greatly influenced by the foods we eat. Strong teeth are a result of eating a balanced diet that is high in vital nutrients and supports good oral health.

Calcium and vitamin D: Even the best dentist in Kolkata will emphasise the importance of incorporating calcium and vitamin D in your daily diet for stronger gums and teeth. As the building blocks of tooth enamel, calcium is essential to the health of teeth. Dairy products, including cheese, yoghurt, and milk, are a great source of calcium. Furthermore, vitamin D facilitates the absorption of calcium, which makes it an essential component of strong teeth. You can get enough vitamin D from the sun and fortified foods like milk and cereals.

Fruits and Vegetables: Fruits and vegetables are rich sources of vitamins C, A, and K. These effectively strengthen the immune system, giving it the efficiency to fight any gum disease, infection, or inflammation. Poor immune systems can lead to frequent tooth decay and infections.

Phosphorus: Together with calcium, phosphorus is a vital element that helps to develop tooth enamel and maintain general dental health. To improve dental health, doctors in Kolkata recommend phosphorus-rich diets, including lean meats, poultry, nuts, and legumes.

Fibre: Consuming meals high in fibre, such as vegetables and whole grains, encourages the production of saliva. Saliva is essential for removing food particles from the mouth and balancing out dangerous acids to prevent tooth disease.

What to Avoid for Healthier Teeth and Gums?

There are definitely a few foods that you must avoid at all costs if you want stronger dental health. When you visit a local dental clinic in Kolkata, the doctor will tell you to limit the consumption of sugary and acidic foods and beverages. Sugar and acidic drinks or food can potentially weaken the enamel and lead to tooth decay. Especially in children, you will find these two conditions occurring frequently.

Keeping these in mind, you can ensure a healthier dental system that will not just give you a confident smile but also minimise the chances of tooth decay and infections. Find yourself a good clinic for regular dental checkups.

Get Started On Your Dental Treatment With Us!

Apex Dental Clinic is your go-to local dental clinic in Kolkata, offering a range of dental treatments and comprehensive routine checkups. If you’re scared of dental treatments and want a clinic that can minimise your fears and provide safe and pain-free treatments, you have us! We have a highly qualified and experienced team with top dentists to deal with your problems in the safest manner. Call us at 8928425992 and book an appointment today!