Dental Implant Treatment

Indications That It’s Time to Take Up Dental Implant Treatment

To maintain overall well-being, you will need to focus on your oral health. However, even after trying your best, you might need to get your teeth replaced when and if you notice decay, injuries, or aging. For this, you will need to visit a professional orthodontist who will perform dental implants. By doing so, you can restore your smile and improve your oral function.

Here, we will discuss some of the signs that indicate that it’s time to visit a professional and get a dental implant treatment. If you are in Kolkata or its surrounding regions, such as Panihati or Agarpara, this content can be extremely useful.

  • Missing Teeth

The first sign that you might need a dental implant treatment in Kolkata or any of the surrounding regions is when you have missing teeth. Surely, when you have some of them missing, they can affect your smile. So, rather than delaying the treatment, you should visit your orthodontist for a consultation. If he or she decides that you indeed need a dental implant, you will then need to proceed with this treatment.

  • You are Facing Difficulties with Speaking or Chewing

The next indication that you might need dental treatment is if you start experiencing problems with speaking or chewing. Typically, this happens if you have a few teeth missing or the dental restorations are not properly fitted.

By going for the option of dental implants, you will get an experience of natural teeth. This will enable you to speak and chew easily and confidently.

  • Bone Loss from Jaw

The third sign that you might require an implant is if you are experiencing bone loss from the jaw. This generally occurs due to tooth loss and can affect your oral health as well as your facial structure. So, in this situation, you should not delay. Rather, you should visit the dentists in Panihati who are adept at performing implant treatments. That way, you can get back the feeling of your jawbone. Furthermore, the integrity of your facial features can also be retained.

  • Gum Recession

The fourth sign that indicates that you might require an implant is if you are experiencing gum recession. This is another problem that occurs due to missing teeth. Moreover, when the gum recesses, it exposes the roots of the surrounding teeth, which increases tooth sensitivity and decay. However, this can be managed with dental implants since they will replace the root of your tooth and improve healthy gum tissue growth. Besides, it will also prevent further recession.

  • Facial Appearance Deterioration

If you are facing tooth loss, you can consider this as another sign that you might have to opt for a dental implant treatment. For this, you will need to visit dentists in Agarpara if you are from this region.

Typically, when you lose teeth, it makes your face appear sunken and makes you look aged. This occurs due to bone loss from the jaw. However, with the implants, you get support and stability of your face. It will help you retain your facial structure and maintain your oral health.

Book an Appointment with Our Orthodontists

To schedule an appointment with our orthodontists, call us now or send your queries to our email. You can also connect with us by filling out the form on the Contact Us page and submitting it.