A Guide to Dental Implants for Seniors

Restoring Confidence: A Guide to Dental Implants for Seniors

As we age, the struggle to maintain our health and appearance is challenging! From grey hair and wrinkles to tooth decay, these are part and parcel of aging gracefully. If you are suffering from any of these, there is nothing to be ashamed of. In fact, the world has a solution for you! Just like how replacing your broken, decayed, or missing tooth with dental implants can bring back your confidence!

Dental implants are one of the most common dental procedures among seniors. Even the best orthodontists in Kolkata will tell you how safe, easy, and effective it is. If you wish to know more about dental implants, read on –

What Does Dental Implant Typically Mean?

In simple terms, dental implants mean a replication of a tooth made to look like a screw. A professional orthodontist places the implants into your jawbone, creating a supporting base for your artificial tooth. They help preserve the jawbone density and are incredibly comfortable. In fact, it is one of the strongest and safest dental procedures.

Benefits of Dental Implants

If you’re still sceptical about dental implants, let us list down a few benefits –

Restoring Oral Aesthetics

If you’ve lost your confidence with a decayed or broken tooth in your senior years, don’t worry! Dental implants are the perfect natural and lasting solution to replace a tooth. They are permanently fixed in your jawbone, making it firmer and more stable than bridges or other traditional implants. In addition to restoring your confidence and a beautiful smile, a dental implant also makes eating and speaking normal.

Preserving your Jawbone

One of the most important benefits of dental implants is preserving bone density. Implants are a great way to stimulate the jawbone. Moreover, it helps to prevent bone loss and preserve the facial structure.

It Is Highly Durable

If you choose a reputed dental implant clinic in Kolkata, your implants will last for years. It is a long-term or often permanent solution to tooth loss.

Ease of Maintenance

If you do not want to get into the mess of cleaning and maintaining traditional implants or dentures, switch to dental implants. It does not require any maintenance hassle except for simple brushing and flossing.

What to Expect from the Dental Implant Procedure?

A typical dental implant works in the following ways –

  • You meet an orthodontist, book a consultation, and discuss your needs or requirements.
  • The doctor will assess your jawbone density, gums, and pre-existing conditions, if any.
  • If all goes well, the dentist will begin with the procedure that typically happens in 3-4 sittings.
  • Finally, the dentist will give you a few preventative tips for overall care.

This way, you can have your bright smile and confidence back even in your old age!

Hire the Best Orthodontist

For a procedure as vital as a dental implant, trust only professionals. Turn to Apex Dental Clinic for the best orthodontists in Kolkata. You can also book an appointment by dialling 8928425992.