Root Canal Treatment

What are the Reasons Behind the Popularity of Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment is considered to be one of the most popular forms of dental treatments that are performed by dentists. Yes, it may be a long and tedious process, depending on the condition of the teeth treated, and it may be a bit painful as well. Yet, it is perhaps the best way to treat decayed teeth, retaining it and not extracting it. On this page, let us discuss the reasons that make root canal treatment such a popular dental treatment procedure.

It Helps Retention of Affected Teeth

Dentists have several options to deal with an affected tooth. Be it a case of decay of cavity; people generally prefer extracting them off to get relief from the excruciating pain and discomfort that at times turns unbearable. However, extraction leaves a gap between the adjacent teeth that leads to several potential problems, including loosening adjacent teeth at the two sides of the gap. This is where root canal treatment comes into play. It will help retention of the teeth, which in turn will preserve the natural arrangement of the teeth.

It Prevents Infection of the Neighbouring Teeth

One of the primary reasons why root canal treatment is so popular is that it prevents pulp infection, which happens to be the primary cause of root decay. This occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria within the pulp. If not taken care of, the infected pulp may spread out to the adjacent teeth. A proper root canal procedure would remove the infection or the infected pulp before spreading the infection to the adjacent teeth. It not only retains the infected teeth, but it also prevents the growth and spread of bacteria.

It Boosts Dental Aesthetics

Root Canal treatment in Kamarhati includes removal of infected pulp, comprehensive cleaning and sanitising of the affected zone, and fitting a crown atop the infected tooth. Crowns are needed for the restoration of the aesthetics of the teeth. The crown would help restoration of the fullest functionality and the aesthetic value of the affected tooth. If performed properly, it will increase the longevity of the tooth.

It Boosts Oral and Overall Health

Extreme dental conditions like extreme decay and pain are pretty common phenomena. They cause extreme pain and discomfort and, in worst-case scenarios, tooth loss. A proper root canal procedure will keep your teeth in the pink of its health and will prevent procedures like extraction of the affected tooth.

Root canal treatment in Kolkata will not only improve oral health, but will also prevent conditions associated with poor oral health, like heart disease, diabetes, respiratory issues and several gastrointestinal ailments.

It Prevents Jawbone Degeneration

Root canal treatment is the best alternative to tooth extraction. It not only saves the affected tooth from being extracted, but it also prevents jawbone complications, including degeneration.

Thus you see, there are so many advantages of opting for root canal treatment if you have a decayed tooth or one with a cavity. Apex Dental Clinic is the best dental clinic to turn to if you are in and around Kolkata, as we are the best. Call us to book our service.