Root Canal Therapy

Why Do the Best Orthodontists Vouch for Root Canal Therapy?

Root canal treatment is one of the best and most effective ways of treating cavities. In fact, the best dentists in Kolkata would vouch for root canal therapy to treat cavities rather than extracting the entire affected teeth. The reason is root canal treatment comes with a number of benefits, and this makes RTC one of the most favourite modes of treatment while dealing with cavities in teeth. On this page, let us discuss the benefits of root canal treatment.

It is the Best Way to Alleviate Pain

Toothache is a nightmare, to start with. It is perhaps the worst and the most harrowing experience. It can be caused by several factors – cavities in the teeth, fractures in the teeth, broken teeth, wisdom teeth growth gone wrong and the like. In most cases, in particular, pain resulting from a cavity is best treated by RTC.

The majority of discomfort that is experienced following a root canal is not related to the procedure itself or the healing phase; rather, it is a result of an earlier infection of the dental pulp within your tooth. In reality, a root canal involves eliminating the bacteria and injured nerves causing your pain. A reputable dental clinic in Kolkata will offer you a variety of anaesthetic techniques to select from, making your procedure absolutely painless.

RTC Eliminates Temperate Sensitivity

One of the main advantages of receiving root canal therapy is that it eliminates damaged nerves, allowing you to resume your favourite dietary habits.

It Thwarts Any Further Probability of Serious Infections

The natural aesthetic smile, as well as the dental health, might be further destroyed if the rot spreads to the adjoining teeth. Thus, if you are reluctant to undergo root canal therapy, you may develop new infections in your gums and teeth, and you will have other oral tissues, discomfort, swelling, and various side effects. If treatment is not received, this illness may possibly have a fatal effect on your general health. Acute coronary syndrome is 2.7 times more likely in patients with infections near the tip of a tooth root, according to a study from the University of Helsinki.

Root Canal Treatments Are Easy and Quick

After having a tooth extracted, you will likely need to schedule several lengthy and expensive follow-up sessions with the dentist in order to receive a denture, bridge, or implant. In addition, it may take several weeks or even months for these restorations to return from the lab. Sometimes, the implant procedure is so drawn out that it takes a full year to get a tooth back. Root canals, on the other hand, may usually be completed in one appointment, lasting less than an hour.

It Keeps Shifting Teeth Issues at Bay

As it turns out, your teeth do a lot to support one another. Your ability to chew correctly may be hampered, and your smile may be destroyed if a tooth extraction or fallout due to disease causes the neighbouring good teeth to move. The fact that a root canal treatment attempts to preserve as much of your natural tooth as possible means you can keep eating the foods you love. This is a big benefit for which the best orthodontists in Kolkata will always recommend root canal treatment.

We would advise you to visit Apex Dental Clinic, which is the best dental clinic to undergo RTC if you are near Kolkata. Call us to book an appointment.